From Paul to Mark: PaleoChristianity

After years of research and writing, Laura Knight-Jadczyk published her magnum opus on PaleoChristianity – its history and metaphysical underpinnings – last year. From Paul to Mark: PaleoChristianity is available on Click to share on Facebook...

What people talk about before they die

A beautiful article that captures our view about the most important lessons we need to learn in this life: What people talk about before they die by Kerry Egan for CNN As a divinity school student, I had just started working as a student chaplain at a cancer...

Is God One, Many, Everything, or Nothing?

What is the Paleochristian view on monotheism, polytheism, pantheism, and atheism? The only being who could fully comprehend the Divine would be the Divine Cosmic Mind itself. However, that doesn’t mean that we must remain completely ignorant of it. While our...

The Peter Pan Syndrome

When many followers of Christianity and other religions speak of salvation, they tend to do so in overly simplistic, spiritually and psychologically unrealistic terms. Inner, spiritual transformation doesn’t come about magically and instantaneously just because...

Are There Ethics in the Hebrew Bible?

The following article is written by a great biblical scholar, Philip R. Davies, Professor Emeritus at the University of Sheffield, England. It was originally published on The Bible and Interpretation website in September 2009. In the Fellowship, we appreciate the...

UK retreat over employment equality for churches

From The Times, by Rosemary Bennett and Ruth Gledhill Harriet Harman has backed away from a confrontation with religious leaders over who they can employ, making clear that she will not force contentious amendments to the Equality Bill through Parliament. Ministers...

Religious Communities Live Longer and Better!

An interesting blog post was recently brought to my attention by one of our members: Understanding Sarah Palin: Or, God Is In The Wattles I urge you to read it carefully because there actually is a lot of meat there to think about.  But, I wish the author had some...

Like the Amish, FOTCM families exempt from insurance mandate

For those who are concerned about Health Reform in the U.S., members of the Fellowship can opt out.  We believe in community support, and if any member has overwhelming health issues, they should contact the Church Elders.  See the following article for more details....